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Issue 3 is now available for download! You can get it here:, or here, which also has links for Issues 1 and 2:

34 ORCHARD Issue 3 Cover


34 ORCHARD’s Spring 2021 Table of Contents is here!

34 ORCHARD Issue 3 Cover

We’re excited to announce 34 Orchard‘s Table of Contents for Issue 3 – Spring 2021 – coming to the 34 Orchard website April 25, 2021!

In our third issue, twenty artists ruminate on the sometimes devastating consequences of choice … on the verandah, a selection of cocktails awaits. Choose wisely!

Cover Art: Please Pray – Jen Connic

Am I Beautiful? – Carl Olson

Inheritance – Annie Dunn Watson

Salt and Pepper – W.T. Paterson Read the rest of this entry


…I know, I’ve been writing a great deal about animals lately; that’s because there are a lot of them around. Anyway, on a recent evening at around 2 in the morning (I was up working on a project), I heard a giant crash. To my surprise, there were nine—yes, nine—baby raccoons on our back porch (probably because of bird seed, because the only things that go in that trash are used up fireworks, the contents of ashtrays, and wine bottles). By the time I got my camera, there were only about five left, and I just want to note here that, sadly, I missed the moment when Nathan opened the door and one of them tried to get into the house. Sorry it’s a little dark—I didn’t exactly have time to fix the settings on my camera, but still, you can at least get the point…and if this frightens you, consider picking up Apex Publications’ Zombie Feed Volume 1 anthology, which contains Kristin Dearborn’s story “Rabid Raccoons.” You might just learn what it means to really be scared of those furry bandits…

“A Bone to Pick” places in Toasted Cheese’s Dead of Winter 2011 Contest!

My zombie-apocalypse story “A Bone to Pick” has tied for second place in Toasted Cheese’s 2011 Dead of Winter Contest! This year’s theme was “Skull and Bones.”

It was funny how this all happened—I hadn’t planned on submitting to their contest this year; I hadn’t in a few years, actually. But suddenly the entire story popped into my head one morning, and it just happened to fit their theme. So I wrote it up and figured I’d give it a shot. It was a great little early birthday present to find out the story had placed!

“A Bone to Pick” is set at Robert Frost’s farm in New Hampshire and asks the question: what would happen if the one person in the world you both loved and hated was the only other person alive?

The winners are:

First place: “The Red Scarf,” Anitha Murthy

Second place: “Skin and Bones,” Jake Gogats

Second place: “A Bone to Pick,” Kristi Petersen Schoonover

Honorable Mention: “Osteophthisis,” John-Michael Gariepy

The first and second place stories will be printed in Toasted Cheese’s March issue, so I’ll keep you posted about when that’s available. I’m really looking forward to reading the other winners’ pieces. The Toasted Cheese Dead of Winter contest, which runs every year between November and December and specifies that the story must be horror, written to that year’s theme and set in winter, is always a lot of fun. All entries are judged blind.

For more information on Toasted Cheese—they run other contests throughout the year and put out a great little mag four times per year—you can visit their website: