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Dark Discussions meets Aston Elliot and does the Bucket List thing


In Dark Discussions Episode 265 (hard to believe that I think this year we’ll break 300 episodes!), we had the opportunity to talk with Australian actor Aston Elliot, most recently known for his role in Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla (catch our episode on that film here). Then, we take the plunge into our Bucket Lists–each of us had to watch a horror film (mostly classic or quintessential to the genre) that somehow we’d never seen. Listen on I-Tunes, Stitcher, download from the website here: or listen directly here: Dark Discussions – Episode 265 – New Year’s Resolution Bucket List

One of my favorite moments from the Japanese anthology KWAIDAN. This scene is from "The Woman of the Snow."

One of my favorite moments from the Japanese anthology KWAIDAN. This scene is from “The Woman of the Snow.”