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A magical night…

We had some pretty crazy rain storms out here on the Cape last night, and afterward, there was a rainbow and an amazing sky. My friend and fellow writer Angi and I went up on the roof deck to get a better look, and before our eyes, the rainbow got darker, full-arched, and became a double. I felt the promise of something new and awesome coming into my life!

Later on, in celebration of Angi finishing her novel, we went for a night walk on the beach.

Last night was the night I spend every Cape Cod Writer’s Retreat waiting for: special and magical. There’s always one, and this time, last night was it.

Amazing Sky

I am not a good photographer. The sky just did this for me. It almost reminded me of something volcanic.

Angi Shearstone Rainbow

Angi is an amazing artist, but she’s also great with a camera. She was able to get a panorama and get the whole rainbow (to clarify: Angi took this; I didn’t).