So long, Mr. Sherman…

I was devastated to hear that Richard Sherman passed yesterday.

If you don’t know who he is, the short version: gifted half of the songwriting team (with his brother, Robert B. Sherman, who predeceased him) behind such long-standing classics as “It’s a Small World,” the music of Mary Poppins (“Feed the Birds” was my “time for night-night!” song when I was like four), and “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” (Carousel of Progress). His songs were integral to my childhood, and Nathan, Charles and I were lucky enough to get to meet him—and have him sign the copy of my childhood It’s a Small World album—at a Kritzerland event back in 2014. I was so excited to meet him I could barely talk. I recall being absolutely overcome (I don’t fangirl easily but this was massive).

Kristi and Richard Sherman

Charles took this photo, and I love it, because we’re holding hands there. Just a testament to what a warm, lovely person Richard was.

He was a lovely, gracious, and happy man. Joy just exploded from him everywhere he went, and he was always thrilled to hear how his life’s work had touched people.

Rest easy, Mr. Sherman. Your creative work will continue to touch lives for eternity, you’ll never be forgotten, and I hope you’re writing lots of great stuff wherever you are.

For more about his life and career, here’s a great overview:

To listen to one of the last pieces he composed, “Mushka’s Lullaby”—for me, a reminder of what we’ve lost—go here:

To listen to “Feed the Birds,” go here:

As a bonus, here’s the scene from Saving Mr. Banks in which Richard (Jason Schwartzman) is playing “Feed the Birds” and Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) overhears. This is significant, because as I understand it, “Feed the Birds” turned out to be one of Walt’s favorites, if not his ultimate favorite.

And here’s Richard performing “Feed the Birds” at Walt Disney’s 100th birthday celebration in 2001. Seeing this affords a glimpse of Richard’s personality.

Richard M. Sherman signed It's a Small World Album

This is the actual record I had as a child (that I played to death. Open up this frame and you’ll see one trashed piece of ephemera). Richard signed it and it now hangs proudly in my home. It’s very special.

About kristipetersenschoonover

A ghost story writer who still sleeps with the lights on, Kristi Petersen Schoonover’s fiction has appeared in many magazines and anthologies; her traditionally published books include a short story collection, THE SHADOWS BEHIND. She was the recipient of three Norman Mailer Writers Colony Residencies and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College. She is founding editor of the dark literary journal 34 ORCHARD, and is a board member of the New England Horror Writers, a member of the Horror Writers Association, and a proud member of the Rhode Island writer's community We Are Providence. Follow her adventures at

Posted on May 26, 2024, in Deep Thoughts & Fun Stuff, Disney World Disney Parks and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. You met Robert Sherman? Wow. I had the same album. 🙂 May he rest in peace.

    • Yes, I did. It was mind-blowing to be next to that much genius. Charles has friends who were actually friends with him; that’s how we got invited to that event. But yes. ALBUM SISTERS, YAY!! That album was so great. OMG the pages are falling out of it and the album itself is scratched beyond recognition.

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